Access-Salud is a business process outsourcing company specialized in virtual assistance for companies in the health area. We manage the tasks that demand time, money, and personnel from medical practices on their behalf so they can focus those resources on their actual craft.

Access-Salud is a business process outsourcing company specialized in the health area. We manage the tasks that demand time, money, and personnel from medical practices on their behalf so they can focus those resources on their actual craft.

Saving money and time through outsourcing is a widespread practice these days but doing it in a smart way is the difference between cutting costs and investing wisely. At Access-Salud we offer a rigorous approach that starts with an analysis of the areas of your company for which we can provide a boost.

Your medical practice exists to provide quality care to patients seeking health solutions, however, a lot more than this is needed to run one. You can count on Access-Salud to do those administrative duties so that your focus is on providing that service in the best possible way.

Inconvenient duties such as:

  • Scheduling appointments.
  • Planning your patients’ exams.
  • Billing.
  • Sending and explaining exam results.
  • Receiving and making phone calls.

These are just some of the tasks Access-Salud excels at as a business service provider for healthcare companies. We stand out in the administrative area due to our commitment to our clients, and our operative assistance work will also prove to be valuable to your practice given our team’s communication abilities.

Your clinical staff can benefit from our virtual assistants by letting them manage the appointment scheduling and confirmation, payment verification, and receiving and channeling any concern expressed by your patients.


As a business service provider specialized in the healthcare field, we understand that the needs of one client may be completely different to the next one. 

Similarly, we understand each patient of our associates will have their own specific requirements, and that is why we’ve honed our craft striving to adapt to the conditions of whom we’re serving, committed to doing an integral and sensible job, and in constant collaboration with all the members of any given process.

At Access-Salud we do not miss our goal: to facilitate the provision of quality, affordable and satisfactory medical service for all parties involved.

The patients

The cornerstone of any healthcare service will always be those who go to it: the patients. Every doctor knows that each person is unique, from the afflictions for which they seek medical assistance, to their way of being and behaving. It is essential to understand each person we deal with so we can give them the best assistance catered to their needs.

Each member of our departments knows how unique each patient is, so they make the effort to try to understand their situation and give them the assistance they need: If a patient calls for a daily reminder to take their medicine, or if they require to be monitored on whether they got that exam they were requested, at Access-Salud we got the technology and personnel to face those kinds of challenges.

Direct, personalized, fast, and effective contact is what sets our work apart from the rest. We make sure to keep and nurture that link with your patients, so they feel your commitment to them as their healthcare provider.

Letting us keep a check on your patients will save your medical practice time and money, and it will let your team focus on each patient more efficiently.

The medical practice

We know that each healthcare provider has specific aspects to their practice: their services, location, population, target and work team are just some of them.

In Access-Salud we consider every piece of information needed to understand your company in depth, which in turn will allow us to act aligned with your capacities, your mission and vision.

Access-Salud adapting to your patients is important to you because we’ll be a spokesperson and representative of your brand. Understanding your conditions will mean execution processes will be optimized, response time to your patients will be improved, and, ultimately, save essential resources so that your practice functions as you want it to, taking the stress of some administrative and operational tasks your team’s shoulders.

You can count on Access-Salud as an ally to your business. Leave your logistical and administrative processes in our hands and elevate your medical practice.

We are the link between patient and physician.

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